Daily Create: The Color of Black and White, Lego Edition
So the assignment here was: “Transform your most colorful recent photo into on that is black and white, yet manages to not lose any of its intensity. Link to the original so we can compare.” Legos have become a big part of my life (considering I have a 7 year old and we made a recent pilgrimage to Legoland Westchester), so I looked back at some colorful Lego photography. I was inspired by seeing the Lego photo in Alan Levine’s talk at Profcamp (you can see his entire talk here).
Also, with the recent release of The Lego Movie I was struck by how they made the figures look so real, similar to how you might photograph them.
In this particular photograph, a distinctly human element was captured. The center figure seems to be looking forward at the camera, with that uncomfortable gaze; perhaps not wanting to be photographed. His buddies carry on, as if not realizing they are being photographed. I see this all too often in real photographs that are aiming to be candid. One person will see that they are being photographed and give a confused expression, ruining the attempt to capture the moment.
I guess that must have happened here, too.